Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Amanda Knox Verdict

Amanda Knox Verdict
Amanda Knox Verdict, Amanda Knox's attorneys are giving their final arguments in her Italian murder appeal case Thursday, and the presiding judge says a verdict is expected by Monday.CBS News correspondent Charlie D'Agata reports Thursday's closing arguments should mark the end of Knox's ordeal, which has seen her convicted of murdering her English roommate, sentenced to 26 years in prison, and then challenge the conviction which her lawyers claim was reached using highly flawed DNA evidence.

Knox's defense team has one day of closing arguments to prove to jurors she was wrongly convicted of the murder of Meredith Kercher in 2007. She's been in an Italian prison for four years. Amanda Knox Verdict,

"I never imagined seeing my own sister in prison and it's hard for me because Amanda is innocent," Delaney Knox, Amanda's sister, tells "The Early Show". "She is not the type of person to do this."

Amanda's father Curt Knox says the period ahead may be the most difficult yet.

Source: cbsnews

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