Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Matthew Fox accused of assaulting woman

Matthew Fox accused of assaulting woman
Matthew Fox accused of assaulting woman. Lost’s Matthew Fox was in Cleveland, Ohio over the weekend when he tried to board a party bus that he was not a guest of. When a woman tried to block his entry to the bus, Matthew Fox allegedly punched her breast and vagina. Who does that?Please tell me this is a complete misunderstanding and either one or both of the parties were so drunk they imagined this. I can’t bear the thought of Matthew Fox being accused of doing such a despicable thing to a woman.

He was handcuffed by an off-duty officer and released without being arrested. The matter is currently under investigation and TMZ has not heard back from Matthew or his representatives.

According to TMZ, Heather Borrman punched Matthew Fox in the face causing his lip to bleed and possibly breaking her own hand all in the name of ‘self-defense’. Apparently he was very drunk and when she told him to get off the bus that’s when he started. She is meeting with prosecutors today and is considering filing charges.

If what she is saying is true she has every right to defend herself; however, I have to wonder if she’s considering charges after finding out it was actor Matthew Fox?

Source: ineedmyfix

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