Senin, 26 September 2011

Joe Biden John Boehner hot mic discussing golf

Joe Biden John Boehner hot mic discussing golf
Joe Biden John Boehner hot mic discussing golf, Joe Biden, John Boehner Joke About Golf, GOP 'Barbarians' Ahead Of Obama Jobs Speech, As they waited for President Barack Obama to appear before a joint session of Congress Thursday night to present his jobs plan, Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) got into a jovial back-and-forth.
"Hi, I'm one of those barbarians" Boehner jokingly greeted Biden, as the vice president reached his seat next to the House speaker, behind the president's podium. Biden referred to Republicans as "barbarians" at a Labor Day rally in Cincinnati, Ohio.

"Where's the gate, man, where's the gate!" Biden replied with a laugh.

After that, Biden turned serious. "We've got a heck of a lot of work to do," Biden said, shaking his head. But Boehner cut him off. "I went golfing in August," he told the vice president. "Seven birdies, five bogies. I shot two-under."

"The next day," Boehner continued, "I shot an 86!"

"One day I play great, the next day I play awful, but this was the round of the decade," Boehner bragged.

Boehner and Biden famously played golf together in June, along with President Obama and Ohio's Republican Gov. John Kasich, as part of the so-called "golf summit."

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