Rabu, 28 September 2011

Milk lasts about 5-7 days after sell-by date

Milk lasts about 5-7 days after sell-by date

Milk lasts about 5-7 days after sell-by date, With 4 kids, we've been buying milk by the gallon for the last 15 years. As 2 kids have moved out, we haven't dropped back to the smaller size container, and it now sits longer in the fridge. As Mrs BamaVol and I were finishing breakfast this morning, she made a face and asked what was the expiration date on the milk. I looked and it was 7 days ago. Both of us had a bowl of cereal with a half cup or so of milk. I hadn't noticed anything myself. She didn't until she took a spoonful of milk after the cereal was gone from the bowl. She sniffed the milk container and gagged.
It's 2 hours later, and other than a little "growly in the bowely", we're both ok. I've always viewed the date on the milk as a sell by date.Milk lasts about 5-7 days after sell-by date,

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