Senin, 19 September 2011

Lisa Robin Kelly fired That 70s Show

Lisa Robin Kelly fired That 70s Show
Lisa Robin Kelly fired That 70s Show. Lisa Robin Kelly, 40, former actress in “That 70s Show”, was arrested in August 21 2010. Ms Kelly was charged with suspected driving under the influence. She had an open container of alcohol in her vehicle.

Lisa Robin Kelly has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of drunk driving. Kelly was in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, when she was arrested.

After Kelly pleaded guilty on Nov 5 2010, she was sentenced to serve one day in jail because she had already done time, while in lock up.

In addition, Kelly was placed under unsupervised probation for one year. Kelly was asked to pay $143 court fees.

Kelly used to be famous as the actress who got fired because of her substance abuse issues. Kelly acted as Topher Grace’s elder sister in “That 70s Show”. After Kelly was sacked, her role was taken up by Christina Moore.

Kelly has acted in only one film after she was fired from That 70s Show. She filmed “The Food Chian: A Hollywood Scarytale”. Sadly, Kelly may have been a victim of the same category.


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