Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Illuminati New World Order

Illuminati New World Order
Illuminati New World Order. Before knowing about Illuminaties, it is important to know little bit about freemasonry, because both are inter-related and knowing the freemasonry is the key to learning about Illuminati. You must have heard that the biggest rite of freemasonry is known as 33 degrees-also known Scottish Rite- the highest rank in the free-mason ladder.
The name Scottish Rite came from a place in the north side of British Isles, where many of Templars settled at the period of Philippe. Freemasonry is just another name of Templars and they have two main streams- one is Scottish Rite, which has been mentioned already, and the other is York Rite. It is believed that New York was named after this York Rite, but incidentally New York is the heart of Freemasonry in United States. According to many researchers, it is said that the Priory of Sion took control over both the rites- Scottish and York- from Templars and later they founded French Freemasonry.

Though there is no evidence if this story is true or not, but one thing is true that in the end you will find that at the highest level of this organization they seem to be from the same organization. Still, the degrees of York Rite indicate the influence of Templars. For example, top Scottish rite degree is called Knights Templar Degree, and the next highest is Knights of Malta, followed by Red Cross degree. Above these mentioned degrees, there is also one more degree-the illuminati- which is the highest, and only a few selective people can achieve it. Thus, the title illuminati tells us it is all about the rank of a few powerful elites chosen over a number of elites. Ironically, the majority of the Freemasons never reach even above the last three degrees of freemasonry-they are just being used as a scapegoat to hide the real agenda of the illuminati. So, you can easily guess that illuminaties are the

How Illuminati Society was founded- in 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor of University of Ingolstadt founded the Order of Illuminati in the hope of an enlightenment period for our society. Initially, the illuminati members were mainly secularists, freethinkers, and supporters of feminism. They used to recruit their members from various Masonic lodges in Germany, perhaps this way masons are related to this secretive society. But in 1785, the illuminati society was infiltrated by the government of Charles Theodore, Bavaria, because the govt. believed that illuminaties were a threat to their monarchy.

Illuminati Protocol
Over two centuries ago, top European bankers made the master plan for controlling the world. The name illuminati refer to someone who is illuminated and truly these people are illuminated with knowledge and the question is their knowledge and plan is good for us or bad for us. Actually, if you see their plan you will feel that illuminati’s are the most benevolent and moral people of this planet. Underneath this plan lies some hidden agenda which has a plan to control.

our planet earth and its people like slaves, without letting them know that they are slaves. Can you imagine how intelligent they are? Surly illuminaties are talented persons powered by negative ideas.
What is Pax Concordat: to understand illuminati’s one need to know about Pax Concordant. It is a basically a peace treaty among many secrets societies of the past, currently known as illuminati. It also has some guidelines which every illuminati must follow. This concordant is an encoded with secret passages that can be decoded only by an illuminati Bishop. And this concordant is kept in a tome in every Basilica of this society. One of the most common rules of Pax Concordant, which is applicable to every illuminati member, is that no member can ever reveal the existence of their society to the outside world- this code of conduct is known as Secretum and this is the most steadfast rule. Any breaching of this law will result in painful death.

Another important concordant rule is Principalis, which states that conspiracy comes first. This rule clearly says that if illuminates have a choice between extending the conspiracy and some other goals, then all the members must prioritize on conspiracy.
Principalis: The first priority is the Conspiracy. All other duties, whether personal or the work of the Societies is secondary. This rule basically states that if there is a choice between furthering the Conspiracy and other possible goals, that the Conspiracy comes first. In practice, the Societies rarely let anything get away from their own plans and ambitions, even the Conspiracy. Another interesting code of illuminati is Gravitus, which says the use of non-violence as a tool to influence any circumstances for achieving their goal. That is why illuminati actions do not get much attention, because normally violence gets more attention than any other means to influence anything. As a controlling tool to influence anything, illuminaties take the path of bribery, blackmail, brainwashing, influencing mass media to control public opinion etc…I guess now you start getting the more clear view of the motives of illuminates.

Illuminati Conspiracies
Actually new world order is a part of their conspiracy and the most important as well. All of illuminati conspiracies are, in fact, a list of goals for which this secret society is working for. All its members believe that they need to reach their goals at any cost, thus what is known as goals to illuminaties are known to us as conspiracy. It’s all about change of perspective. They never view their goals will conspire all human, rather they just thing of their world revolving around their society and trying to achieve it, no matter how dangerous means they need to take for it. Some main goals or conspiracy of illuminaties are:

* Ending the supernatural dominance in our life.
* Completely control the situation of earthy life
* Raise the level of human intelligence through enlightenment.

Now, if you look at the three goals, they seem to appear very much pro-human. But look at the second goal, this one is related to the one world order. To control the situation of earthy life does not mean that we ourselves will control every aspect of our life, instead Illuminaties will control it even without letting us developing our own understanding that we are being controlled by someone else-what a master plan!
What is New World Order?
According to conspiracy theory, new world order is an political agenda of many powerful elite societies of the world including illuminates, in order to take the total control of our world through various secretive plans and programs and many of their plans are in effect in today’s world-we just don’t see it because many of the illuminati plans are wrapped under humanitarian values. The main purpose of New World Order is to establish a one world government by replacing the sovereign states and to eliminate the world-wide conflicts of power. To establish a new world government, there is no better idea to promote the agenda of globalization and to bring peace for the world. If your see carefully in the recent international and political environments you will find how slowly and effectively changes are occurring around us and most of us simply fail to realize what actually the hidden agenda is because the prosperity and peace is the cover-up being used by illuminati.

Agenda of New World Order
What illuminati want is the control; this is even visible in every layer of the society. Everybody wants control. So, why not illuminati, perhaps, they want the control in global scale. Actually, this world is being controlled under some under some, and so on. We all are under the spiral of controls. As far as new world order agendas are concerned, it has some basic plans which will certainly curb our freedom as human being. New world order trying to impose:

* A centralized world government
* One world army
* A centrally controlled banking system and electronic currency
* Micro chipped everyone of this world
* Controlled population

Population control agenda will take care of limiting the size of world populations along with controlling their every activity by a central monitoring system. Only by implanting microchip in everyone’s body, one can monitor every human action- this is why in much recent news you will find much news about the advantage of micro chipped population.
Though the term “new world order” been used in a number of times by many renowned political leaders including Winston Churchill, but it has become more official and got more attention during a congressional speech of George. H.W. Bush, September 11, 1990, known as toward a new world order, where he described his objectives for the global dominance and directions for establishing global government. The key points of the speech were:

* The gulf war was a good reminder of that the US must lead the world and military strength really matters a lot for world peace. With the emergence of new world order the military power will get less importance in future.
* Soviet and US need to strengthen their partnership and co-operation for building a safer world.
* UN security council reformation was also considered as a part of new world order.

You can learn about the speech of “toward new world order” in Wikipedia

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